My First Year : Samira Emani
Birth: December 2nd, 2018
7lbs and 3oz ~ 20in long
One Month:
7.81lbs ~ 20.25in long
Two Months:
8.99lbs ~ 21in long
Three Months:
Four Months: 11lb9oz
Five Months: Can roll over, sit for several seconds, hold her own bottle, and tries to grab EVERYthing!
Six Months: Trying to crawl (and can get to what I want, somehow), eating full jars of baby food, pulling up, getting my first tooth, and lots of babbling.
Seven Months: Crawling successfully. She loves having her hair played least, she doesn't fight me, yet.
Eight Months: Crawling FAST, pulling up, and messing in her grandmother's plants. She loves to snuggle, steal phones, remotes, and basically anything she isn't supposed to have.
Nine Months: Will. Not. Sit. Still. She has an attitude and is CLINGY with Mommy. This is the only decent photo from this session. She can stand on her own, without assistance; but she refuses to even attempt a step. She just leans forward and falls over. She has A LOT of hair, now.